This is the dome of the Macoupin County Courthouse located in Carlinville, Illinois. I grew up in this small Midwestern town that exemplified everything you now read about small town America of the 1950s and 1960s. I am so grateful to have lived in that town, throughout those years. Carlinville folks worked to make their living; took care of their families and homes the best they could; knew and cared for their neighbors; tried to live the lessons they learned attending the church of their choice; provided the town's children with a great public education; kept the townfolks healthy and their property safe; offered an array of individually owned businesses that supplied the townspeople's needs; and presented a variety of entertainment options and community events.

This courthouse has a colorful history that can be accessed online. It's easy to find links to stories about the "Million Dollar Courthouse" and the scandal that surrounded its funding. Abraham Lincoln represented clients in an earlier Macoupin County courthouse building and when this courthouse was completed in 1870 it was the second largest county courthouse in the entire United States. Isn't it beautiful?

Not only does Carlinville have this magnificent courthouse with all its history, but the town is laid out in a grid with a charming square serving as the primary business district. There are four entrances to the square for vehicle traffic and businesses are located along each of those streets near the square.

The square has a brick roadbed and the center is landscaped to highlight a lovely gazebo. On my recent visit home, there was entertainment in the gazebo on a weekend evening, which is typical during the summer months.
Scenes like this are played out all across this great country of ours...this is truly America!
And, even though I have not lived in Carlinville for several decades, I am proud to call this wonderful small town ~ MY HOMETOWN!
Ver nice post, Bev! You really captured Carlinville! (and I can say that since I live here now, too!)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was growing up in C'ville, I couldn't wait to get away, but I see now what a great place it was to grow up in. Now that I am a lot older and have lived in a much larger city for the last 12 years, I also appreciate its character and quieter pace. It is great to see how Ryan views Carlinville, too. He loves going there to visit. If it only had a hotel and was closer to a major airport.... hehe
ReplyDeleteAmen, Sister!
ReplyDeleteWe had to buy our RV to have somewhere to stay there after Mom's house sold because there is no hotel...oh wait, that's a very good thing for me.
But, if only it was closer to a major airport I might try to convince R to move there...oh wait, maybe that's another good thing for me. Having only lived in major cities, he doesn't quite get the charm part and would not be convinced.
I do love Carlinville though for all the good stuff of past decades that it has managed to retain.