Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jackson's Varied Interests

Excitedly heading into Junior High next year, Jackson is at a crossroads of growth and interests. For the first time in several years, he is not playing any team sport right now. He does engage in sports conditioning at a local gym though to stay in shape in case he decides to try out for flag football at school next year.

Don't think this guy is just sitting around bored though; he is an avid college and professional sports fan, an ace video game player, a voracious reader, spends lots of time playing sports and hanging out with his siblings and friends and is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet (insert a blushing Jackson saying "aaawww Grandma" here). Here are a few shots of him enjoying the first swim of the season in their pool last weekend.

He is balanced on a boogie board in this shot.

The water was too cold for Grandma this time but the kids and their dad had a great time!

Sunday evening, Jackson entertained us with a couple of selections on his saxophone. This is the first time we had heard him play so it was very thrilling for Grandpa and me! Grandpa asked him if this was his official school band uniform...haha

Not to be outdone, his brother and sister each played a solo on their recorders and then a duet. What a great time!

Lovin' Life ~~ And Live Musical Performances


  1. A house full of music, what could be better?

    I know Arizona is facing the same cut backs as the other states, but I think that school uniform will cost them more in sunscreen than the lack of material will save! ;)

  2. Whew! The lost to me post is back. I read this one last night on my new sometimes smarter than me phone, and when I went back to look again, it was GONE! So back to the old tried and true desktop computer. =)

    I didn't know that he plays the saxaphone. That must have been a great treat for you guys. I was kinda surprised that you didn't have a video of the musical entourage.


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