Sunday, May 8, 2011

Celebrating Mothers

Our daughter, our beautiful daughter, is the most amazing Mom I have ever known. She is so loving and it shows in our grands who are naturally affectionate...we are all snugglers and huggers. I love that! She is so smart and it shows in the ways in which she is able to guide our grands to the right actions. She and Shawn are so energetic and it shows in the ways that they spend family time in a variety of activities. We couldn't be more proud of her!

My sister has, without hesitation, demonstrated the ultimate in mother's love in the care given her son throughout the years of his illness. In time that love will see him healthy again.

Today is a sad one for our daughter-in-law who lost her mother to cancer this week. The funeral mass was lovely and the message of hope and everlasting love was profoundly moving.

In January I lost My Pauline, the last of my three amazing mothers-in-law. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and miss having her in my life.

Thankfully, my own mother is living and well and has always enjoyed her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren more than anything else in her life.

And there are many other "mothers" - family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, authors, bloggers - who have touched my life in a variety of ways and from whom I have continued to learn about love and living.

On this day we remember all the remarkable women, the "mothers" who have influenced our lives and shared our love.

Lovin' Life ~~ And Honoring Mothers

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely post and a wonderful tribute to all the women who have nurtured you and yours.


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