Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Roommates

Yes, I am still alive...but not kicking, not with one leg still in a huge cast! I'll be living at our daughter's house in their family room for weeks yet. Today, since I have not been able to sort through Christmas photos for posting, I'm posting this adorable photo of my roommates.

Dexter is their dog; Santa brought him for Christmas two years ago. Denali is an African Spurred Tortoise. It is Shelby's classroom pet and she had the honor of bringing him home for the entire holiday school break. He resides on the Foosball table to the right of my hospital bed. Dexter's crate sits to the left of my bed next to an armoire holding one of their computers. Watching them has provided me hours of enjoyment!

This was taken December 20th, the last day of school, from my bed. Dexter was so cute that afternoon checking out the newest arrival amidst so much change in his home in so few days.

Lovin' Life ~~ Recuperating

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