I've always read as much for the thrill of discovering brilliant writing, sentences that I read several times just because they are perfectly awesome, as for the story being told. I am particularly fond of blogs written by talented writers...and they are in abundance. Some explore deep thoughts, some are funny, some pithy, some let their amazing photos speak, some teach skills, and all are sharing themselves, their families, their lives with a seemingly endless variety of great storytelling that brings me back to these blogs again and again.
From time to time I'll share some of my favorite blogs here. This week Katherine Center's writing has been especially meaningful to me. The link below will hopefully take you to her January 27th post about grandparents...how I miss mine, which is why her words had such special meaning for me.
And then today, she posted her essay about mothers/daughters which scored high points with me again...
WHAT I WOULD TELL HER: (If I knew what to say.)
You are a miracle.
And I have to love you this fiercely: So that you can feel it even after you leave for school, or even while you are asleep, or even after your childhood becomes a memory.
You’ll forget all this when you grow up. But it’s okay.
Being a mother means having your heart broken.
And it means loving and losing and falling apart and coming back together.
And it’s the best there is. And also, sometimes, the worst.
Sometimes you won’t have anyone to talk to.
Sometimes you’ll wonder if you’ve forgotten who you are.
But you must remember this: What you’re doing matters.
And you have to be brave with your life so that others can be brave with theirs.
The truth is, being a woman is a gift. Tenderness is a gift. Intimacy is a gift. And nurturing the good in this world is a nothing short of a privilege.
That’s why I have to love you this way. So I can give what I have to you. So that you can carry it in your body and pass it on.
I have watched you sleep. I’ve kissed you a million times. And I know something that you don’t, yet:
You are writing the story of your only life every single minute of every day.
And my greatest hope for you, sweet child, is that I can teach you how to write a good one.
Perhaps from these shared snippets of blogs I follow, you too will discover a new source of entertainment and enlightenment!
Thanks for sharing other interesting blogs and thoughts. The essay about mothers and daughters could easily pertain to mothers and sons with just a few revisions. Thanks again for sharing.