Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Special Valentine's Day Dinner

A square beef patty with five holes, steam grilled on a bed of finely shredded onions, served on a bun and called a "slider". Do you know what I'm talkin' about? A White Castle burger! Selling for five cents in 1921 when the first White Castle opened, an Original Slider now sells for sixty three cents at our local White Castle. Since 1991, their Valentine's Day promotion is by reservation only and includes tablecloths, flowers, menus, candles, decorations, and servers.

This year, for the first time, Rich and I enjoyed a lovely Valentine's Day dinner at White Castle. With the fluorescent ceiling lights lined with red tissue paper, the guests and setting were cloaked in a warm rosy light.

What more could one ask? Reasonably priced, great tasting food served in a uniquely themed setting created the perfect ambiance for our Valentine's Day celebration. We hope to return every year on this special evening.
Lovin' Life ~~ And Unique Celebrations

1 comment:

  1. Fun! It is the meeting of hearts that is most important on Valentine's Day, not the monies spent.


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