Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kids' Choice Day

Our grands have been asking us to take them here...

Do you know where this is? Knowing us, does this look like somewhere we would want to spend the afternoon with our grands? This is a really popular family place but it sure looks like a casino to me; it also quacks like a casino, with the games spitting out "tickets" that can be cashed in for "prizes". The kids love going there though so that's what we did this past Wednesday.

Dylan's favorite is the horse racing game. He is an owner; his horse is named D-Dawg's Pride and he does quite well with it.

He is getting ready to feed and train his horse for the next race. You can see the action below; D-Dawg's Pride is number 8, green.

As you can see in the results, his horse was overtaken by #5, yellow. Bubble Trouble was trying to pass D-Dawg's Pride in the screen shot above and did succeed.

There were a couple of different NASCAR race games the kids played.

This was the only thing that seemed like fun to me because it was more like a ride. They are watching the action on a screen while their seat shakes and moves and fans provide wind speed giving them the sensation of a quite thrilling ride.

I have a great one and a half minute video of Jackson and Shelby on the "ride" pictured above but after trying for several hours to upload it to YouTube, experiencing failure after failure, I have given up. Too bad because it is a fun little movie. And, I was so determined to get my posts caught up on this rainy, snowy (oh yeah! more later!) Sunday.

Lovin' Life ~~ Even in a "Casino"

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