Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nifty Missouri Rest Area

Friday afternoon we stopped at a Rest Area near Marshfield, MO for a break. Rich walked the girls and took them back to the RV because it was time for him to run the Saturn for a few minutes. I was still taking pictures at this oh-so-cute Rest Area. Each of these "storefronts" has a picnic table and trash receptacle inside. I've taken photos of picnic shelters in Rest Areas along the way, but this is the niftiest one we've seen in all our travels so far...a way cool tribute to old Route 66 which runs along I-44 in this area.
By the way, it was just after this photo of Rich and the girls was taken, while we were both still outside the RV, that Bella ate that bag of caramels...waxed paper wrappers and all! Such a loss ~~ they were those soft, handmade-style caramels that I only bought earlier that day...sniff, sniff.

Lovin' Life ~~ Even Without Fresh Caramels

1 comment:

  1. The rest area is really cute!!
    You're moving right along..not wasting anytime.
    Well, now you know Bella likes caramels.
    Hope she didn't get a tummyache.
    Anyway,have a good, safe trip.


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