Thursday, August 25, 2011

When In Maine... try the lobster! And you can have my share too!!!

I had read many reviews of various lobster pounds. Lobster pound refers to a restaurant with tanks recycling ocean water to keep the lobsters fresh; thus using the definition of the word 'pound' meaning an enclosure where animals or fish are kept. The place where we ate lobster, after our sightseeing jaunt to Schoodic Peninsula today, is always packed with customers, has been there for decades, and is highly rated.

Admittedly, I am not a fan of most seafood, but I sought this out for the experience and because I anticipated that lobster just pulled from the sea would be much more delicious than that served in, let's say, Illinois. Oh well...

Here's what you do when you eat at a lobster pound...

You place your order, after selecting and weighing your live lobster is placed in a rope mesh bag and taken outside. These are live lobsters.

At this, the best of all lobster pounds, the bag is placed into a boiling pot of water over a flaming wood fire. Here a cook has just removed a lobster from the pot.

This is our cooked lobster and clarified butter. Rich is preparing to start breaking the claws off of the lobster. Then he cracked off the tail, and pried open the body.

This is the lobster body after the claws and tail are removed.

This is my claw before I cracked it open and removed the meat.

Apparently I was quite good at this part because the meat came out in the same shape as the claw shell from which it was removed.

Can you tell by his expression and the way he's holding his hands just how much Rich is enjoying breaking and prying and cracking and scooping to get to the edible part of our lobster?

I will say that I LOVE the color of a cooked lobster (and coincidentally the color of Rich's shirt!)...and let's just leave it at that...okey dokey? One more don't have to wonder if there will ever be another post where we dined on it?

Lovin' Life ~~ Sans Lobster  

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